We are your partner to achieve net zero emissions
“The idea whose time has come – positive actions to protect the environment can no longer be diluted or postponed. The dazzling picture of modern man’s scientific and technological progress is inextricably bound to environment protection. Be part of the serious and inspiring journey to reduce climate impact to zero by becoming carbon neutral”. Rick Mwenye (Director, Chribus Climatics)

We are here to help you
We have the technology-driven plan that sets out a credible pathway to net zero. Chribus Climatics will work with you on our technology platform for effective organisational climate action
Chribus Climatics! Your partner to achieve net zero emissions
We lead you to act in a practical, responsible way to deliver net zero emissions by 2050

Our great world house needs your protection more than ever.
The Earth’s changing features are revealing themselves to us every day.
Be part of the serious and inspiring journey to reduce climate impact to zero by becoming carbon neutral
Climate Action in Four Steps
We will assist you with the following new directions to become carbon neutral
Calculate Carbon Footprint.
Calculate the greenhouse gas emissions generated by your activity, such as fuel or electricity use and travel
Reduce Emissions
Reduce these emissions as much as possible by investing in new technology or changing the way you operate
Offset Emissions
Offset any remaining emissions by purchasing carbon offset units
Sustainability and climate action reporting
We help you to report on your sustainability success and climate action to your community